
Actions taken against Coronavirus (COVID-19)


In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, we believe in acting responsibly. Therefore, we remain committed to make extraordinary efforts, in order to supply in the most efficient way our customers with protection equipment, such as surgical masks, surgical gowns in various types (standard, reinforced, full reinforced and extra reinforced), protective coveralls, aprons, face shields etc. We ship daily to our customers to various countries all over the world. The most important step we had to take though, was to protect our people. Our employees are at the centre of our business. We have issued protective measures for them and some of them are: We trained all our employees on the ways to protect themselves and remain safe, based on advice from local and international authorities, We provide constantly all necessary personal protection equipment, We took additional hygiene precautions in every office, production room, parts of the warehouse, We support working from home at the maximum possible, We use telecommunication applications so as to avoid in person meetings and all visits from clients have been cancelled until further notice. At Submed we work hard to achieve these objectives and to get over this challenging situation at the earliest possible.